A student walks into their second AP class of the day, obviously tired. They were up late studying and finishing their nightly homework, preparing for one of the hardest exams of the semester. They wonder if the hard work is worth it. Will it pay off in the long run?
AP (Advanced Placement) classes are college classes that students can take in high school with the possibility of earning college credits for a cheaper price.
Eric Frosch, senior, said that he takes AP classes because he “wants college credit, they bump [his] GPA, and they are more interesting than regular classes.”
College credits aren’t the only reason students take AP. The only way to gain these credits is by passing a test at the end of the year, which many students do not pass or don’t take altogether. According to a recent Fielder survey of 90 students, most students believe that the class is still worth taking, regardless of the test results.
“I have a better idea of what it will be like to go into a college class and what the expectations are in terms of how the teacher will treat you and the workload and how to manage that,” Audrey Korallus, senior, said.
Taking college classes is a challenge with the added benefit of learning a lot more skills. AP classes also provide a chance to meet new friends through the AP environment.
“There is a very strong sense of community in these classes because everyone is in the same boat with you,” Nick Bobek, senior, said.
AP teachers feel the classes can be very helpful, even if students aren’t sure what they want to do after high school. They teach a lot about discipline and help many students to grow both academically and mentally.
“There are certain skills that come in this type of class that are indicative of higher learning. Whether you are going to college or trade school, you are going to need those higher level skills,” Karin Walker, AP English teacher, said.
AP courses aren’t for everyone though. They are a big commitment as they come with a very heavy workload that many students are not used to at a high school level.
“If your end goal is an AP class, don’t be afraid to take a regular version of the class first to be ready for a college level course,” Benjamin Nugent, AP physics teacher, said.
Students are encouraged to try an AP class if it seems to be a good fit. Though people see some downsides, many people see it as a great opportunity and a benefit to students’ futures. According to teachers and students, these classes seem to teach students so much more than a subject’s curriculum; students leave feeling like they’ve grown as people.
“If you’re just exposed to an AP class, even if you don’t pass the test, you will learn skills faster and therefore be ready for an environment like college,” Nugent said.
Students see benefits from AP classes
Brooke Plowman, In-Depth Editor
September 28, 2023
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Brooke Plowman, Editor-in-Chief
Hi!! I am so excited to be back, this year as the Editor-in-Chief. I am also on the dance team, an officer for both Key Club and Care Club, and a member of NHS and Link Crew!