This year’s recreational activities fishing and bowling units will be put on hold as there is a bus driver shortage.
Rec activities is a non-traditional PE class, in which students participate at their own ability. Rec activities used to go golfing, but as the prices increased they switched over to fishing, which has been a tradition for five to ten years now, according to Jennifer Hoversten.
“All four schools have rec, but we’re the only ones that go fishing and bowling. It’s based on our location, geography” Jen Tomczak, head of the PE department, said.
First Student cannot accommodate fishing and bowling as of right now, leaving Tomczak and Torkelson PE teacher to come up with alternatives for these units.
“We’re incorporating some fitness games,” Torkelson said.
Tomczak suggested extending each of the remaining units or using alternative games.
“There is shuffleboard, and minigolf,” PE teacher, John Prieboy said.
During covid bowling sets were used instead of actually going bowling, so that is a possibility.
However, students who signed up for rec activities looked forward to the fishing and bowling units.
“I’m bummed out because I was really looking forward to it”, said senior Rayan Eassa
Some students are neutral about not going fishing and bowling due to taking the class already.
“I don’t mind not fishing and bowling because I did it last year,” senior Saniah Stewart said.
But students who were enrolled in rec activities do feel as if the news should have been shared with them over the summer.
“Then they wouldn’t have to go through the struggle of dropping out if they didn’t want to stay,” Eassa said.
Tomczak and Torkleson plan to get into contact with the First Student again and the district office, hoping for good news.
“If anything changes, bowling and fishing will be reinstated”, Torkelson said.
Recreational activities lose fishing, bowling
Shaylah Johnson, Entertainment Editor
September 22, 2023
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Shaylah Johnson, Entertainment Editor
Hi, I’m a senior and the Entertainment Editor and this is my second year on The Fielder staff. I enjoy listening to music and writing, I’m looking forward to what this school year has in store for me.