The first ever Friday night Homecoming football game will be hosted next week, and I know that I, for one, am very glad to finally see this change take place.
Our school has traditionally held the Homecoming football game the Saturday of the dance after the parade. Many students and the community as a whole have been advocating to move it to Friday night, just like other schools and other games in the season.
Players, dancers, cheerleaders, and members of the marching band have always had a long, rushed homecoming day. As a dancer, I wouldn’t feel as present at each event, as there was always something after that I was thinking about. Moving the game to Friday allows for all parties involved to enjoy the Homecoming experience a bit more.
Both students and adults involved in the day didn’t have much time. I would always worry about not being ready on time, when I would have time to eat, and making sure I had everything I needed for the different events going on.
Moving the game to Friday also allows for more time in between the parade and dance. Students attending the dance will now have much more time to get ready, and will hopefully be more likely to go to the parade because of the extra time. This change should also encourage students to attend the football game and support their school.
Many students like me are very happy to end the tradition of the Saturday Homecoming game. Though I’m sure some people in the community don’t want to see it go, many parents, students, and others are glad to have a more spread out itinerary.
I think everyone involved will have an overall better experience with this change in place. Thank you to all those who made it happen.
Moving game to Friday benefits everyone
Brooke Plowman, In-Depth Editor
September 22, 2023
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Brooke Plowman, Editor-in-Chief
Hi!! I am so excited to be back, this year as the Editor-in-Chief. I am also on the dance team, an officer for both Key Club and Care Club, and a member of NHS and Link Crew!