Resolutions should be realistic

Brianna Mosinski, In-Depth Editor

  Resolutions have been a large part of every upcoming year. According to 20% of people have one New Year’s resolution, 18% have two New Year’s resolutions, and 62% have no resolutions.

  From personal goals to trying something new, it’s a commitment made to start the new year right. It gives people something to look forward to.

  New Year’s resolutions tend to uplift people’s mood since it is a fresh start to the year, that is until they fail. The most challenging part is sticking to it. The overall result is rewarding for those who do, but since most people don’t, resolutions can end up negatively affecting them.

  According to, “It’s not that New Year’s resolutions are bad for you or unhealthy. New Year’s resolutions are about making a positive change to better your health or quality of life, which is a great thing. However, people sometimes choose ambitious health goals without coming up with a plan to achieve these goals.”

  When setting goals, it is important to have a positive mindset allowing one to grow in a reasonable amount of time rather than rushing into something new for a season and not seeing results right away. This way one does not set themselves up for disappointment.

  According to, “A realistic goal is one that you can reach given your current mindset, motivation level, timeframe, skills, and abilities. Realistic goals help you identify not only what you want but also what you can achieve.”

  Going into the New Year, let’s focus on setting our goals for improvement and not rush into a new season constantly living the same way we have been. As long as it’s a little change that can be achieved, it can only help us in the long run.

  It’s not too late to set a personal goal that will cause strength and motivation.