Kodey Rupp, sophomore

February 4, 2022
Kodey J. Rupp, sophomore, was an adored companion and student who left an impact on his friends and mentors.
“Kodey worked hard but didn’t get stressed about school work and was a pleasure to have in class. During remote learning he always had his camera on and NOT pointed at the ceiling, which was a very nice thing to do for his teachers,” Kodey’s English teacher Karen Ackermann said.
“He always did everything that was asked of him,” Ryan Wilhelmi, Science teacher, says, “Always a kind kid, and he worked well. We did this eggdrop just a few months ago and he was partnered with a student who didn’t have a partner and worked fine with him.”
Kodey would seemingly make someone’s day without even trying, regardless of whether it be from his humor or even his kindness.
“Everytime we would hang out, he would always try to make us laugh, we would never laugh though,” best friend David Liles, sophomore, said teasingly.
“Everyday I tell a joke of the day which is a very lame dad joke, which always makes me laugh because of the cringe-worthiness for everyone else, but everyday behind his mask he would quietly chuckle to himself,” Chris Wells, Algebra teacher, said.
Outside of school Kodey played hockey with the Southwest Ball Hockey Organization. Kodey was number 5 and often played left or right wing.
“He was amazing at it. Every time you told him to do something he’d do it right away,” teammate Liles said.
“Kodey would stay after the bell a little bit to chat about hockey or what he was going to do over the weekend,” Ackermann said, “He loved to play and he really enjoyed time with family and friends.
Hockey players who knew Kodey got stickers, a white ribbon with his number 5 attached to it, and have placed it on their helmets to honor the young player.
Kodey’s illness and death was a shock to all, but his impact will forever remain.
“He would always go out of his way to make sure that you’re ok and his smile. I’ll always remember his smile. I’ve never seen him sad a day in my life,” friend Quinton Kelnhofer says.
“I’ll always remember him as my best friend,” Liles said.
Kodey was only fifteen when he passed which makes his death even more shattering as he had so much life to live.
“I have kids, and for a fifteen year old to not be here anymore that really hits home,” Wells said, “Kodey’s parents no longer get to share [little] moments, so I try to take those moments in and be there for [my] children more.”
“Nobody knows how or when your life is going to end, you hear it in words, but obviously when you witness it first hand, it kind of makes me think life is really precious. Tomorrow is not a given,” Wilhelmi said.
Companions, family, educators, and those he affected will seriously miss the hockey cherishing teenager. However terrible as his passing seems to be, Kodey’s death fills in as an example to all.
“I learned to take advantage of moments you have with people because you never know how long they’ll last,” Kelnhofer said.
“I loved having Kodey in my class because he would give anything a try without complaining but he would also give me a look and let me know when I was asking too much at once. I miss him every day,” Ackermann said.