New staff adjust to teaching in pandemic
Milan Bhatt, math teacher, wears his mask while he grades students’ assignments after class.
September 24, 2021
After months of learning online, many students have not been aware of the new staff nor have had the opportunity to meet them.
“It’s exciting to be in a new area and to be back in person!” Carlie Pritt, social studies teacher, said.
Alongside students, many teachers including Pritt will be having to make adjustments to the new circumstances. Kylie McCarthy, one of the new English teachers who student- taught here last year, has had to adapt to this sudden change and workload.
“It’s been an interesting transition back to in-person learning. I forgot what it felt like to see my students’ faces and not their ceiling fans!” McCarthy said, jokingly.
Lauren Bennett, a new staff addition to the counselors, has also had to alter her usual agenda. Bennett will help students acclimate to the new environment whilst making adjustments herself. She states that a prior eight years of counseling experience prepared her for the position and allowed her to acclimate quickly.
For many teachers, passion for the profession can help them overcome the difficulties of the job. Counselor, Bennett, always had a strong will to help people. She always knew that she wanted to follow this career path.
“I wanted to make a difference and felt that being a service to our students would be the best fit for me,” she said.
McCarthy received support from other staff members.
“The department that I work in is always there to provide help or advice, whenever needed. I’d say the best advice that I’ve gotten so far was to get involved here at Central,” McCarthy said.
In similar regard, Bennett believes that students should participate in clubs and activities at the school.
“There are so many clubs and
sports that are at Plainfield Central to participate in,” she said.
In addition to these teachers, the following staff members will also be joining the staff for the 2021-22 school year: Tim Holmes – science, Justin Williams – physical education/drivers education, Adriana Martinez – Spanish, Carol Zacharias – business, Catherine Duda – foods, James Griffone – science, Kyle Hildebrand – social studies, Jennafer Malak – math, Michelle Tranchita – physical education, Charlotte McDaniel, – math, Don Tijan – custodial, Kayle O’Boyle – campus monitor, Alexa Diaz – social worker, Deborah Moore – copy clerk, Daisy Cruz – TA Advantage.