Saving lives should outweigh fun
May 13, 2020
Large groups of people congregate in yards, neglecting to wear masks and not staying six feet apart. Throngs of people crowd into houses for large gatherings and parents watch as their children play with schoolmates, not acknowledging the dangers that ignoring health officials could bring.
People of all ages, whether they have preexisting health concerns or not, are being told to self-isolate and avoid unnecessary public places to lessen the spread of COVID-19, according to news sources.
Nevertheless, some people are ignoring these warnings and gathering together with friends and neighbors anyway. Whether they are oblivious, or just don’t care about how their actions could influence others, these people are potentially putting the country—and the world—at risk.
According to the CDC, “everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting themselves, their family, and their community.”
Even if a person seems asymptomatic, he/she could still be carrying the potentially-deadly virus. The virus spreads quickly, and coming in contact with others even once could be the difference between staying healthy and contracting the disease.
Some people, especially those who believe themselves to be young and healthy, are ignoring the risks because they believe they’ll be fine. This isn’t necessarily true.
“There are going to be people who are young who are going to wind up seriously ill,” Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, explained to BBC News.
Though most of the people who have to worry about serious complications are older, there have been some instances of younger people becoming sick and even dying.
Additionally, people who are choosing not to social distance will be endangering the older members of their families by bringing the virus home, even if they themselves don’t get sick.
The coronavirus pandemic is serious, and it is important for everyone to follow the CDC’s guidelines in order to lessen the impact of the disease. Unfortunately, many people cannot understand the gravity of a situation until it affects them.
Luckily, some solutions to still connect with others have been offered. Although school districts have had to cancel sports, which has disappointed many, they are finding ways for students to connect virtually and still honor seniors with signs and plans for summer events. Coaches are suggesting workouts to help students stay fit. Remote learning has made it possible for students to complete tasks without leaving the safety of home.
Even though these alternatives might not be appealing to some, it is very possible (and necessary) to do various activities from home. By maintaining a healthy distance and finding ways to connect despite physical distances, students can unite and still save lives.