Boys golf ends with sights on future
Photo courtesy of Darren Kobliska
Ashton Mutnansky, junior, addresses the ball in a match at Romeoville.
October 18, 2019
Ending off the season, boys golf has been more focused on having a positive attitude, while influencing their attitude in other places as well.
“We don’t give up, even if we lose, we always have fun playing… We’re always positive,” Mitch Hunter, junior, said.
The players also have personal goals that extent beyond the season.
“I want us to get better for the next season so that we’ll be on top for most of our tournaments,” Max Hunter, junior, said.
The players have a strong passion towards the sport, so much so that multiple of the players hope to play golf in college.
“What keeps me motivated is realizing I have a chance to go to college for golf,” Lucciano Blandino, junior, said.
Everyone has a different way to keep themselves motivated. Garrett Sigler, sophomore, finds it easy to keep playing by seeing improvement.
“I like to go to the driving range and pick a bucket of golf balls, practicing or doing well and seeing the low numbers really keeps me motivated,” Siger said.
Improvement is the main focus for this team. They’ve put hours of time and effort into the sport to see that improvement.
“Our team’s greatest strength would have to be the passion and dedication that so many of our players have because it’s infectious,” Kobliska said.
Although the season has ended, both the players and the coaches continue to set goals to ensure improvement as a team. Darren Kobliska, coach, hopes for more future players to become interested in the sport.
“My goal is to try to get as many people interested in the game of golf as possible, at a young age. That’s why our program puts on several golf camps in the off-season including a free short game camp in the spring for junior golfers of all different ability levels,” Kobliska said.
While the team has its strengths, they wouldn’t have been able to get to where they are now without forming a bond with their teammates.
“We’re strongest when we help each other, we’re constantly talking to each other about keeping a positive mental attitude,” Max Hunter said.
With these bonds they’ve made, the players find that being positive has a great impact on their improvement.
“The more involved you are, the more connected you will be to the school and the more likely you will be to have a positive high school experience,” Kobliska said.