New teachers bring fresh perspective
Michael Opsal, drivers ed teacher, instructs his drivers ed class.
September 14, 2018
Each of the 16 new faces on staff brings a different personality to the halls and classrooms.
Jeffrey Purdom, government and history teacher, approaches certain “in the book” topics with caution. Not all students live the same life and making a real- world connection to a class discussion can make all the difference.
“Oftentimes, the most impactful lessons don’t have to do with content; they have to do with the students and their lives,” Purdom said.
With so many subjects taught in the building, every teacher has a different motivation for choosing to go into the educational field. For Michael Opsal, driver’s ed and safety teacher, it was about teaching students important life skills.
“I wanted to be able to share my love for physical education and health with others. I also get to attempt to keep the roads safe by educating new drivers,” Opsal said.
For others, teaching wasn’t their first career choice. Monique Armistead, business education teacher, originally had a career in accounting and later chose to move on to a career in the education field.
Sometimes other teachers can be the reason that many follow the path of teaching.
“I had an amazing high school teacher and coach who inspired me to be a teacher,” Jaclyn Hruska, physical education and health teacher, said.
With starting a new job in a different school, adjusting to the students and staff can be challenging. However, a positive environment makes coming to work more enjoyable.
“Everyone is respectful and kind. There is a really great atmosphere,” Nicole Jeffrey, physics and chemistry teacher, said.
The new teachers and their positions are as follows:
Monique Armistead, Business Educator; Michael Caponigri, ELL teacher; Chris Chlebek, Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction; Jackie Garcia, Catalyst TA; Sandra Grew, Refocus Room Campus Monitor; Mary Gucinski, Spanish Teacher; Jackie Hruska, PE and Health Teacher; Laurie Inda, Certified School Nurse; Nicole Jeffrey, Science Teacher; Heather Loperena, Spanish Teacher;Mike Opsal, Driver Ed/Safety Teacher; Jeff Purdom, Government and History Teacher; Leslie Ramos, ASL Teacher; Karen Seeberg, ESL Teacher; Chris Vanderwall, Band Director and AP Music Theory Class; Amber Witry, Counselor