Walkouts cause more problems than they solve
April 13, 2018
Students streamed through the door while teachers kept watch for suspicious behavior, and classes continued with the lesson for the day. Students inside were cautiously thinking of dangerous situations that could arise. One thing is for sure, all the chaos cannot be fixed with one solution.
Walkouts at school can empower students who are understandably trying to make a difference throughout the community. Students should be applauded for standing up for what they believe in; however, there are other efficient and less controversial ways to project the message of school safety.
For instance, a letter or petition could be created that will portray the powerful message to lawmakers who can initiate change.
Yes, there are many creatively organized walkouts, such as the one at this schools, that can be very powerful and send the right message, but there are some that can take the situation too far.
There are cases where schools don’t use disciplinary action and students walked out without even knowing the reason behind it. There is a difference between having the power to respect those fallen in Florida and promoting changes in gun laws, and having the power to revolt against laws in a violent manner.
When a sensitive matter is being dealt with in an enraged tone, that is when the outcome becomes worse. The walkout at Antioch High School near Nashville, Tennessee for example, had students that tore the American flag off the pole and jumped on a cop car, according to the website Lexington Herald Leader. Violence towards the problem will never have a positive outcome.
As much as people want to protest, school violence has existed long before gun violence was even introduced.
Many students called out sick on days where walkouts occurred based on the idea that it was a potential safety hazard.
Some walkouts may have been protected by police or parents; however, some were not. Being outside with no protection could potentially lead to a breakout in violence from other students who disagree with the walkout, because there are many people who are not in favor of banning guns. The walkout could bring out the one thing that students wanted to avoid: the worst in people.
It doesn’t matter if the student just wants to remember the victims or has strong opinions about the second amendment, everyone has the right to speak their mind. The words can stand alone but when actions become dangerous, some listeners will put in their earplugs. It is not just what we say, it is how we say it that matters the most.