Do you use TikTok, Instagram, or any short form video app? There are more benefits you receive while using these apps than you may have thought.
TikTok allows creators to express their interests and help grow their futures.
Short form video platforms help start up small businesses and some turn into huge companies such as Peachy BBs Slime. In 2021, everyone went online and stayed at home so the internet and TikTok was the only way anyone could connect with others while staying safe. During that time, Peachy BBs Slime was able to grow their account and business, which allowed them to sell over 110,000 units of slime. Not only did they make money from slime but also from TikTok followers supporting their videos.
With TikTok, Instagram, and shorts, it pulls people in and engages them face to face, as if the viewer were having a conversation with them.
Contrary to popular belief, Platforms such as TikTok and Instagram reels lead to higher engagement rates and attention spans. An average person doesn’t have a high attention span. According to a research article called blavityinc, the average attention span lasts for 8.25 seconds. An average highly-viewed video lasts 55 seconds. Due to this, an average viewer is more engaged; increasing their attention span.
TikTok isn’t just about funny videos but rather teaching minds of any age interesting new information they have never learned.
For example, TikTok provides an educational side to their app called STEM. This allows people to learn new ideas and even SAT prep questions. TikTok STEM even teaches users about engineering and technology by experts in those fields. This can help those who are studying in certain fields who may be interested in becoming an engineer or scientist or anything they want.
Overall, TikTok is helpful to growing entrepreneurs and educating users.