Friendships and romantic relationships have different ways of a person. Both have their pros and cons, but friendships overtake relationships in multiple ways when it comes to positive outcomes.
Friendships are easier to maintain and can be better for a person’s mental or physical health because sometimes people could be in an unhealthy dating relationship. If someone finds themselves in an unhealthy relationship then a friend could help realize that and help them get out of it. The person who makes the relationship toxic would not let their partner leave if it is unhealthy, which could cause someone to get hurt in the end. Since a relationship has more to do with someone’s feelings and how they feel about each other it could be harder to get out of compared to a friendship, especially if the relationship is toxic.
Of course, it is not certain everyone will stay friends with someone forever, but it is more likely than a dating relationship lasting in high school. Unless someone finds the right person for them, then they will not have that relationship forever like some might have friends. Maturity plays a factor in friendships and relationships as well since a relationship might need more of a serious side of a person instead of just messing around with friends.
In an article by therapist, Daniel Danshaw, he states that only about 2% of high school relationships make it to marriage. Some might make it past high school but are not likely to go any farther than that. When someone is a true friend they will stick with their friends through the ups and downs. True friends always want the best for each other and want them to be happy in life. Hopefully, if someone has a good friendship then it will last a lot longer than a high school relationship.
When people are first starting a relationship, it might be hard to get it off the ground but every good relationship can start off with having a good friendship before. When people build a good friendship before then there is more of a chance that it will last. Growing older can change in the process and sometimes a relationship can grow apart because of those changes.
After high school, most students go to college or into trades, which causes relationships to strain since some people might be doing long distance. As people age, they become more mature and gain more life experiences which might not suit their partner in the relationship well. Friendships are better for multiple reasons since they can benefit people with their health, are long-lasting, and have positive outcomes.