Archery has been added as an activity to the P.E. department, being included in Early Bird P.E. and Adventure Challenge courses.
“Other schools in the district like Plainfield South already have archery equipment from when they first opened, but we were given a large sum of money from a grant, and the idea of archery was tossed around,” John Prieboy, P.E. teacher, said.
Archery in class gives students a completely different experience, for it requires students to focus on new skills rather than the physical part of P.E.
“Many students started with no experience firing a bow,” Prieboy said. “Teaching them how to aim, fire, and of course, the safety aspects, was a bit of a hurdle at first.”
Some students, however, do have some previous archery experience which may differ from what they’re learning in class.
“The most challenging part was adjusting to school equipment compared to ones I have experienced.”, Olivia Ruba, junior, said.
For their efforts and accomplishments such as shooting a bullseye, students have been recognized with their pictures put on the walls of the P.E. hallway.
Students had two weeks to experience the archery unit, but given the success of the unit, the unit may be lengthened to three weeks.
addition,” Nathan Savala, junior, said. “I wouldn’t say that ended up being the case.”
“The start of the unit was rough, but once I got past the initial hurdles, there were no major issues,” Savala said.
With archery, persistence is important, and frustration is inevitable when being so close to shooting a bullseye, yet so far.
“The hardest part was staying precise with aiming the bow and shooting the arrow,” Abbey Peszynski, junior, said.
In archery, students can expect to take away helpful skills and techniques from the unit.
“I can take away the basics of shooting a basic bow and arrow,” Alexa Tamayo, junior, said. “Also, the depth perception is something to take away from it too.”
Archery shoots into PE Curriculum
Nicholas Rees, Fielder Friday Editor
October 23, 2024
Olivia Ruba, junior, shows off the accuracy of her arrows in Adventure Challenge class.
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Nicholas Rees, Fielder Friday Editor
- Hiya! I’m Nick, this year’s lead Fielder Friday Editor, and this is my second year on the team!