Four seniors and 75 juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS) on Friday, April 26. Steeped in tradition and significance, this ceremony not only recognizes academic achievement but also celebrates the embodiment of leadership, service, character, and scholarship in young individuals.
“To me, being in NHS means taking responsibility as a leader to serve my community and be helpful to others while also taking pride in myself and school,” junior Kiara Boateng said.
At the core of NHS induction lies the celebration of academic excellence. Members must maintain a GPA of 4.5 or above while engaging in a rigorous curriculum.
“I think it important because you’re helping out the community and you’re giving back to it while also being a part of a good group,” senior Harlan Matson said.
Inductees are not just scholars but also leaders in their schools and communities, through leading student organizations, initiating community service projects, or serving as mentors to their peers.
“I think it’s great that students can use those abilities to benefit others,” Karin Walker, NHS advisor, said.
Inductees are also individuals of integrity, honesty, and responsibility.
“Where I see it around the school is I see our NHS kids helping out other staff members”. Rose Fleming, NHS advisor said.
Service lies at the heart of the NHS mission. Whether helping out with the suicide prevention walk or organizing fundraisers for charitable causes, these students exemplify the spirit of selflessness and empathy.
“There are so many levels of communication that if you are involved in the NHS, you are going to learn these skills,” Walker said.
Induction into the National Honor Society is not just an accolade but also a responsibility.
“I would hope those skills do carry over and do apply”, Walker said.
Beyond the induction ceremony, NHS members continue to engage in service projects, academic programs, and leadership activities that make a positive impact on their communities and beyond.